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Frequently Asked Questions

We have three sections of FAQs below.  One is for general, commonly asked questions.  The second section is for those newly attending our group's activities.  The third section focuses on questions about dating expectations.

Common FAQs


What kinds of activities does the group have?


We have a variety of activities with participation from members of our eight stakes and from singles in neighboring states. A sample of what our group might do includes:


  • one fireside per month

  • one social / dance per month

  • one main activity per month

  • and one temple trip per month


Stakes augment the multi-stake activities with their own singles events and often invite singles from neighboring stakes to attend.


Where do I find singles event information?


On the calendar page you will see event names, dates, locations, and event organizers.

What do I wear for an event?
Is there a dress code?


On the calendar page, in the description of each event, is recommended attire for each event which will range from:


  • Formal Sunday Dress (aka church clothes)

  • Casual wear (comfortable jeans/khakis)

  • Dressy casual (in between formal and casual)


Whom do I contact for more information?


Contact your stake singles leader or member of your stake singles committee. The list will be on the contacts page. For event specific information, you may contact the event organizer or send a message through our website and we will forward it to the correct person.

New Member Info


If you are new to the 31+ Singles Program, or just renewing your activity in the group, here are four suggestions to make the transition smooth and increase the likelihood of a positive experience with our singles group..


  1. Be yourself

  2. Contribute to the sinlges program

  3. Interact with everyone

  4. Focus on Friendship


Being yourself means being comfortable with who you are. Don't pretend to be someone you are not. Being yourself will likely result in you meeting others with similar interests and quickly lead to friendships that last.


The best way to get a lot out of singles activities is to contribute to singles activities! What you put in effects what you will get out of it. Participating in the mingling activities will allow you to meet a lot of people quickly, and you will be impressed by the quality of your peers in the group. Volunteer to help plan an activity, show up early to setup, and stay a few minutes later with others to assist with takedown are also good ways to serve and interact with group members.


During activities, try to talk with as many people as you can. If the activity is a dance, try dancing with each person once before requesting a second dance with a person, this will ensure you meet and interact with the most people. If meeting new people is a challenge, go slow but do the best you can. It is not as hard as it looks, and many others feel just like you do.

Participating in a variety of activities offered by the Singles Program will allow you to meet people who share similar interests and values with you. Increasing your circle of friends in the LDS singles community will give you opportunities to socialize, strengthen your testimony, and become a better disciple of Jesus Christ.

Dating FAQ/Expectations


The singles program is not a dating service. Instead of seeking to date immediately, focus on friendship.  The best relationships and marriages have a solid foundation of friendship. Take the time to begin building solid friendships now.


How long will it take before I get a date?


This is first and foremost a friendshipping and fellowshipping group, not a dating service.  Our advice is to focus on friendship, and if that friendship leads to a date, that's great.


Why shouldn't I expect a date out of the singles program?  Isn't that the purpose - to get singles married?


One of our main goals is to prepare each person for the future, so that if the opportunity of marriage presents itself singles can be in a position to accept and succeed in marriage.


I am 50 years old.  Is it ok to ask a 31 year old out on a date?


Every relationship is different.  By focusing first on friendship, you will get to know the preferences of others and avoid awkward situations resulting from age inappropriate dating requests.

We ask that you respect the boundaries that others set to ensure that all that attend activities will feel welcomed.

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